Common Challenges
People seek help for a variety of reasons, but many people share common challenges and concerns.
Here are some of the most common challenges we help people face and work through in our practice.
As relational beings we long for connection and we struggle when that is missing from our lives. Knowing how to make connections with others isn’t always easy and is something we help clients with. Whether you’re married, single or in a partnership, the experience of feeling truly alone is one that you don’t have to suffer with forever.
Navigating Relationships and Love
Nothing worries people more than their most personal relationships, and the feelings of connection we all desire. When your spouse or partner cheats, breaks their commitments, fails to live up to their obligations, it’s normal to wonder where the relationship is going. Some conflict in romantic partnerships is normal. But, if you spend more time feeling disconnected or misunderstood by your partner, something isn’t right and that is the sign that your relationship needs some professional care.
Sadness and emotional pain are normal when you experience loss in your life. Breakups, infidelity, death, loss of something important to you all cause normal feelings of sadness and grief. But, when those feeling overwhelm you and don’t pass in a reasonable amount of time, that’s the signal it’s time to talk to someone like us about them.
Stress and career management
We live in a stressful world. Between our work loads, competing demands on our time and attention, and obligations to the organizations and communities we care about, it isn’t hard to feel stress at times, and know how to channel it effectively. When you find that you’re spending more time stressing about your life than enjoying it, it may be time to reach out for help.
Lots of people experience anxiety, in fact in many cases it’s normal, and a helpful part of life. The big question to consider is when your anxiety is impeding your ability to live your life in a healthy way. We can help you understand how your anxiety serves you and how to best manage it when it interferes with your life.
Well-being & Happiness
Nothing stops your life faster than a health concern with yourself or someone you love. And yet it’s so easy to take our health for granted. Wellness is foundational to health AND mental health. Without a regular practice of being tuned into what makes us healthy and happy, life throwing us predictable curve balls can leave us unable to adjust, and worse, even cope.
Becoming a parent is one of the most wonderful and stressful events of our lives, and brings with it many challenges. Whether your kids are in diapers or in college, their needs and how well you deliver on your perceived responsibilities as a parent can keep you up at night and stress you out. To be a healthy parent, you have to maintain a balanced perspective, and learn how to manage the needs of your little ones against your own needs as a person. We are big believers in putting your own oxygen mask on first and we can teach you how to do this yourself so you can be the parent you want to be.
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