January 2015 Roundup – Communication Keywords, Prioritizing, and Parental Love

Here are this month’s most circulated posts, reflecting January as a month of setting priorities, embarking on sustainable change, and finding balance.
1. Communication “Keywords”: 15 Phrases That Will Change Your Life In 2015
Check out the impact small vocabulary changes can make in communication. This post is packed with research-based language tweaks that can improve communication, self discipline, and even your outlook. (Hint: “Thank you,” “no,” or “let’s go,” are in, “I’m too busy” is out.)
2. Why prioritize? Top 5 Regrets of the Dying
Sticking to our priorities is part and parcel of new year’s resolutions. This article beautifully demonstrates this from the perspective of the dying – while sad, we can learn a lot from them. Based on the research of an Australian hospice nurse, this is well worth a read.
3. What do men need to lead happy lives? Harvard’s Epic Study
“Happiness is love. Full stop.” Harvard’s 75-year-study concluded a clear mandate: Love your children as best as you can, and they will be ok. Read more about this enlightening – even perhaps relieving – study.
Here’s to encouraging you on your journey for 2015!