4 Ways To Take Care Of Yourself When You Are Completely EXHAUSTED – YourTango


One of life’s great ironies is that sometimes what we need most is also the hardest thing to do. When it comes to taking care of yourself when you are exhausted, the same paradox is often the case: we simply don’t have the energy, or the will, to do the things we know we need to do to feel better. As the days shorten, and our to-do lists lengthen, I am once again discussing this issue a lot lately, and was pleased to write this article for Your Tango. To read the full article, click HERE.

You know you’re burnt out when “self care” feels like a chore!

It’s a sad state of affairs that the average modern woman feels completely exhausted most of the time.

The great irony is being in that exhausted space, the LAST thing you have time to do (or truthfully want to do) is take care of yourself. And I’m not just talking about doing the chores of life like paying bills, doing laundry, getting to the gym, dentist or hair salon — those things I consider self-maintenance.

What I’m talking about is the self love kind of self-care. I’m talking about the kind of activities that actually nourish you. Things you do to show kindness to yourself, beyond just the basics.

AS women, we know what we should do — or, at least we think we do — but sometimes, we just don’t want to do those things for ourselves. We’re too tired. Too burnt out. Too depleted.

At those times, self-care doesn’t feel like self-care  it feels like a burden. 

And when we feel worn down like that, we just want to put our brain and body in neutral.

According to the American Psychological Association’s Stress in America report, we’re not alone in that instinct to check out mentally and physically. Most Americans turn to TV, the Internet, or a nap on the couch for stress relief.

But, the thing is — we aren’t actually nourishing ourselves or relaxing in those acts, we’re just escaping and … collapsing!

So, if you want to feel better, how can you summon energy to genuinely nurture yourself when all you want to do is fall down and do nothing? Here are a few ways…

to read on, click here.

Very pleased to have this piece syndicated to EHarmony.

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Alicia H. Clark, PsyD