9 Brave Ways to Talk to Your Kids About Cruelty and Violence – Yahoo Parenting, Your Tango

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Screen Shot 2015-11-01 at 3.17.30 PMVery pleased to have this piece picked up by Yahoo Parenting last week! It isn’t easy talking to your child about violence, let alone cruelty, and yet our kids need our help as parents to understand it should they need to.

They need your help understanding the scary things that happen in the world.
Violence is everywhere … or so it seems every time you turn on the radio or scroll through the news.

Whether it’s a national conversation about violence against black men in police custody, random and brutal mass school shootings, or violent stories that hit close to home —it’s hard to escape stories of senseless violence.

Absorbing such grim realities is difficult enough for us parents; for kids it’s even more traumatizing and difficult.

Knowing what to say (or not say) to our children about these incidents is one of the bigger challenges parents can face.

We know we must prepare our kids for the realities of the world, yet exposing them to gory details often does more harm than good.

Every parent must navigate finding the right balance for their family. To help, here are nine smart strategies for talking to your kids about violence.

Read the full post here



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Alicia H. Clark, PsyD