Huffington Post – 9 Not So Obvious Signs Your Partner Isn’t ‘the One’


Very pleased to help out with another great expert round up by Huffington Post divorce editor, Brittany Wong – this time on signs to watch for and avoid in a relationship. It isn’t always easy to know when a relationship is in serious trouble – and it can be even harder to determine what challenges should be attributed to us, and which to our partners. Here are some excerpts of a few not-so-obvious signs your partner might not be “the one.” At minimum, these should merit your concern.

To read the post on Huffington Post, CLICK HERE.


She doesn’t see your full potential. 


The right partner sees your worth and won’t make you feel anxious about where you are in life, said Washington D.C-based psychologist Alicia H. Clark. And she certainly won’t suggest you change to fit her idea of the perfect partner.


“As simple as it sounds, there is much value built into feeling comfortable — safe, accepted, valued, supported, understood and wanted — in a relationship,” she said. “A good partner helps you feel more like yourself, not less so.”


He doesn’t take responsibility for his actions.


The right partner will own his mistakes wholesale. No empty apologies or finger-wagging, just the healthy, grown-up ability to admit he was wrong so you two can move on, Clark said.


“It’s not so much that your partner never makes mistakes — that’s impossible.” she said. “Mistakes are how we learn in life and in love. Being able to recognize and learn from them is what keeps us and our relationships healthy.”


She doesn’t bring out the best in you. 


In moments when you’re being hyper-critical or doubting yourself, your S.O. should be quick to come in with moral support, reminding you of your worth and that your latest personal crisis is sure to blow over.


“One of the markers of a successful and healthy relationship is a capacity to see the positives in a situation and not dwell too much on the negative,” said Clark. “[A partner] who has the capacity to focus on the positive will help you maintain your connection over the long-term.”



Alicia H. Clark, PsyD