Yahoo Health – The Internet is Freaking Out Over Her Body Positive Selfie

Body image is a sensitive topic, especially this time of year when we can all be a little harder on ourselves after the holidays. This is part of why it can be so refreshing to see people, and especially public figures, demonstrate body confidence – even if it’s provocative.
Seeing others’ self acceptance challenges and inspires us to accept our ourselves with compassion. We are so hungry for acceptance, especially when so many of us aren’t happy with what we see in the mirror or our struggling to maintain our lofty New Year’s health resolutions. It is self acceptance and compassion that helps us move forward towards our goals, not shame and guilt.
I was pleased to weigh in for Yahoo Health on why Mar Ortiz Facebook post about finding balance and loving herself – curves and all – has us compelled.
To read the full post, on Yahoo Health, click HERE.
Ortiz’s photos also just sucks us in, licensed clinical psychologist Alicia H. Clark, PsyD, tells Yahoo Health. “Not only is this compelling to watch — her radical rejection of society’s beauty standard —but her post implicitly asks us to reconsider our social norms, and the lengths we go to to meet them, and gives us permission to accept ourselves,” says Clark.