Huffington Post – How To Finally Get Closure After A Split, In 9 Expert-Approved Steps

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Getting over a split might be one of the hardest things to navigate. No matter how lucky you might feel to have your life back, moving forward can be tough. I was pleased to help out with this great Huffington Post best tips article about how to finally get closure after a split.

To read the full piece, click HERE.


3. Forgive your ex.

Extend forgiveness to your ex not for their sake, but for your own.

“You probably need to forgive your partner for not living up to who you wanted them to be, among other indiscretions,” said Alicia H. Clark, a psychologist based in Washington, D.C. “What’s even more difficult is forgiving yourself for yourmistakes. Self-forgiveness helps you get to the bottom of why your relationship failed and prepares you for your next relationship.”


7. Ditch the marriage highlight reel.

While you don’t want to deny the memories you share as a couple, dwelling exclusively on the good times (and forgetting the negative moments) is sure to slow down the healing process, said Clark.

“Recognize these thoughts for what they are: rooted more in fantasy than reality,” she said. “Instead of fighting to accept today’s realities, embrace them along with the possibilities of a tomorrow that is now more in your control than ever before.”


Alicia H. Clark, PsyD