Don’t Be a Weiner – Men’s Health

Don’t Be a Weiner – Men’s Health, November 2013
by Sarah Jacobsson Purewal.
“The ex-congressman’s twit-pic fail is a cautionary tale. But you can win her with a smart social-media plan.”
For the Couples section of Men’s Health 25th Anniversary issue this month, I was asked how men could leverage their social media for love.
“Women want men who are accessible,” says Clark. “She’s judging if you’re a good friend and, ultimately, if you’ll be a good boyfriend.”
Women use social media to learn about potential mates. So, when thinking about your online profile, think about putting your best social foot forward. Demonstrate your engagement with your friends, and your interest in others. When discussing what pictures to post, it is important to monitor your photos and what kind of message they send too.
Take one kind of photo out of circulation – anything with a woman who isn’t a friend or a family member. “It won’t make you look attractive,” says Alicia Clark, PsyD, a clinical psychologist. “It’ll just look suspicious. She’s thinking, ‘Who is this girl?’ She’s also thinking, ‘What is he trying to say about himself by uploading that photo?'”