Cited in American Express Open Forum – Why You Should Include Mental Health in Your Wellness Program

Why You Should Include Mental Health in Your Wellness Program, by Ratika Puri
It is well known that mental health in the workplace is critical to maintaining a happy and productive workforce, but implementing the right strategy can be tricky. Promoting mental health within an overall wellness program can help build a culture of support, and help employees feel more comfortable and willing to seek help if needed.
“Confidentiality is a key issue, and can be a barrier to employee engagement,” saysAlicia H. Clark, a licensed clinical psychologist. “Employees need a way to know they can seek services without ill effect to their jobs. Companies therefore need to set up ways to protect employees’ confidentiality whether their programs are housed within or outside the company.”
One way to address the confidentiality challenge is to work with an external consultant, operating what’s known as an Employee Assistance Program. “A company can hire or contract with mental health practitioners who can provide services on-site, or elsewhere,” Clark says.
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The post was also picked up by Winston Benefits.