If You Want To Make Good Friends, Stop Focusing On Yourself – Yahoo Beauty


Very pleased to have this piece syndicated to Yahoo Beauty, If You Want To Make Good Friends Stop Focusing On Yourself. 

“If you want to be interesting, you have to be interested.” These are the famous words of my husband’s grandmother. She took conversation making seriously, and understood the golden rule of friendships — put into people what you want back.

When it comes to making friends, we all pretty much understand the same principle applies: to have a friend, we know we have to be a friend. But sometimes this isn’t so straightforward, and is harder than it seems. It’s not that you aren’t trying — focusing on your efforts can undermine your relationship-building. People pick up on your negativity and your self-focus … and it’s a turn off.

Healthy people are ultimately drawn to happiness, and people that are kind. If you don’t seem happy or able to give and take, you’re not attracting the best people around you….

To read the full post on Yahoo Beauty, click HERE.

Photo courtesy of weheartit.com



Alicia H. Clark, PsyD